sábado, 6 de agosto de 2011

Lost ( TV show )

Lost was a series of American television that issued American Broadcasting Company (ABC) between 2004 and 2010, up to completing a total of six seasons. The series narrates the experiences of a group of persons in an island after surviving a plane crash.

The pilot episode was written by Jeffrey Lieber, J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof, and directed by Abrams. It was rolled in Oahu's island (Hawái), as the rest of the series, turning into the most expensive episode of the history of her televisión.2 The series it ended after 121 episodes on May 23, 2010, with an episode finalemitido simultaneously in nine countries.
 It was a success generalized in the countries in those who were issued, managing to have in his first season an average of 16,1 million viewers in The United States, and to begin to form a part with rapidity of the popular American culture (it has been indexed in multitude of television programs, cómics, songs, etc.). Also it gained numerous prizes, between which they tell themselves a Globe of Gold and six Prizes Emmy. 

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